Forging Elite Fitness in Seattle-Georgetown – Est. 2006
Free Intro Call: 425-516-9014


What is CrossFit, anyway?

It’s a general fitness program for everybody. Sure, Navy SEALs do it. But so can your grandma. (In fact, we’ve trained some amazing grandmas!) The program is based on variety, so you won’t get bored. It involves functional movement, so you won’t be wasting time on things that don’t matter. (ie, no bicep curls!) You won’t spend endless hours on the treadmill, either. We’ll get you stronger. We’ll help you build more stamina. And we’ll increase your flexibility. If you’re really committed, we can even help turn you into a Ninja Warrior. But we’re getting ahead of ourselves. More info

OK, no boring treadmills. But what do you DO at Jet City?

We use barbells and jump ropes and Kettlebells; we do pull-ups and pushups; we run and we row. Every day, our coaches design an activity-it’s called the Workout of the Day-that involves a unique combination of these activities. Then we all work hard. Fortunately, this part is usually relatively brief. The best part is, when it’s over, you really feel like you’ve accomplished something. The only way to REALLY understand what it’s all about is by scheduling your free private intro session 425-516-9014.

Do I have to be in good shape?

No. The whole point is to become healthier, wherever you are on the fitness spectrum. Our students are as varied as our workouts. Some come to us after years spent on the couch. Others are longtime athletes looking to perform better.

But isn’t it hard?

Sure, it’s hard. But we’ll help. We promise. Actually, a whole community will help.

What if I’m injured?

We’re experienced at working around injuries. Tell us what’s not working; we’ll modify the workout accordingly. We focus on functional movement and full range of motion, so the whole idea is to help athletes get better, not worse.

I work out regularly. Do I need to take the intro session?

Yes. Even if you’ve done some CrossFit, the intro session allows us to assess where you are, identify your strengths (and perhaps even a weakness or two), and better understand where you want to go. You’ll get to assess Jet City, too. Also, don’t forget that it’s FREE.
Call 425-516-9014 to schedule your introductory session now.

But I’m already an amazing athlete. Do I HAVE to go through the beginner class?

Cyclists ask us this. Runners. Skiers. Softball players. Ping pong players. The answer is always the same: unless you’re an experienced CrossFitter, you must go through beginner training. CrossFit is different. You’ll get a lot out of the beginner sessions. Everyone does. We swear.
And rest assured, the beginner sessions involve actual CrossFitting, so you’ll get a great workout no matter what.

Wait—what about Bring a Friend Day?

The first Saturday of every month, we encourage members to bring a friend. It doesn’t matter if they have CrossFit experience. We gear these classes especially towards newcomers. If your friend wants to sign up for the beginner class after that, great!

I’m a CrossFitter from out-of-town. Can I drop in?

Sure. We’d love to have you! We always welcome visiting CrossFitters to Jet City CrossFit. Visitor Drop-in

Can I just come in and work out whenever I want?

No. We offer regularly-scheduled classes. We have professional coaches for a reason—because they know how to get results.

Can I bring my kids?

We have a kids area, but childcare is DIY at Jet City. Their safety is your responsibility.
They can’t come onto the gym floor while you’re working out. No exceptions.

I’m not sure if Jet City CrossFit is right for me.

Starting a new fitness program can be intimidating. But we really are here to help. Come for your free intro session (did we mention it’s free?) Commit to six beginner classes. And then see how you feel.


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Contact Us:

1115 S. Elizabeth St.
Seattle, WA 98108
Phone: 425-516-9014